001) ব্যাংক অফ ইংল্যান্ডের বুলেটিনটি ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অর্থনীতি বিভাগের একজন শিক্ষককে দেখানোর পর তিনি খুব অবাক হয়েছিলেন। ... Link
002) #Money Creation …….
…. Textbooks on banking often state that money is created out of debt. This also is misleading because it implies that debt exists first and then is converted into money. In truth, money is not created until the instant it is borrowed. It is the act of borrowing which causes it to spring into existence. And, incidentally, it is the act of paying off the debt that causes it to vanish.
C/O, ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’
===>> http://tmblr.co/Zxu-Dk1r4c1TF
003) The following is a summary of money creation =====>
When the U.S. government decides that it wants to spend another billion dollars that it does not have, it does not print up a billion dollars.
Rather, the U.S. government creates a bunch of U.S. Treasury bonds (debt) and takes them over to the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve creates a billion dollars out of thin air and exchanges them for the U.S. Treasury bonds. ====>> https://www.commoditytrademantra.com/.../11-reasons-why.../
004) Banking - the Greatest Scam on Earth ===>> One US citizen explains the matter - - - - - based on US Banking System - - - - >>>
The Greatest Scam on Earth - The Money Scam! The Money Scam is hidden right out in the open, yet buried in complication and confusion. A retired banker describes simply, the world's Money Scam and the reason every country is now going bankrupt. Private bankers have stolen the money creation process, and whereas once our money was created by the governments, debt-free, it is now created out of thin air and issued as debt with interest charges. In today's banker controlled world, money = debt, debt = slavery and therefore money = slavery --- our monetary systems have become systems of enslavement. Money is created out of nothing, issued as debt, not enough money is created for the future interest payments and inflation steals our savings. The money creation process should be taken away from the banks and given to the governments who can create money debt-free, interest-free. This is how it used to be done and we needed no income taxes. Finally, it is explained what we should do to stop supporting the money scam.
005) Do your own research; read G. Edward Griffin's classic "The Creature from Jekyll Island." The creation of the Fed WAS A CONSPIRACY. No theorizing needed
006) #FED ......
The real truth about the private Federal Reserve ===>>
"I never liked Glenn Beck much, but it is quite a coincidence that he comes out with the real truth about the private Federal Reserve, and then loses his show on Fox News. Like Ron Paul always says, the Fed is the true facilitator of big government. They could never tax enough, or borrow enough to pay for the wars and corporate welfare without the printing press and world reserve currency status. Do your own research; read G. Edward Griffin's classic "The Creature from Jekyll Island." The creation of the Fed WAS A CONSPIRACY. No theorizing needed. Our forefathers fought since the founding to deny the bankers a monopoly over the control of currency and credit. We have fallen under the control of the banking establishment, and they have tied their fraudulent debt to the fiscal wellbeing of America.
If you consider yourself a proponent of limited, Constitutional government, you have an obligation to fight the Federal Reserve. The neocon talkers like Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Ingraham, and even Savage will not explain the truth. While popular outrage is focused at the Fed, the neocons are trying RIGHT NOW to shift the focus to Chinese policy and their alleged (get this) currency manipulation! Ever heard of QE2?
Aired on March 25, 2011 - Fox News Channel's "Glenn Beck"
This video clip may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law."
C/O, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB5LK-jihgk
(1) Q333 Ear Tube Candy =====>>
Backing a currency with of of the rares of metals is not a good idea because it can be cornered easily-Gold in particular. Rather, we must do what Lincoln did. Create the green back and make it the only currency that one can pay taxes with. We must also make fractional banking illegal because it too creates instability in a bank and can be used by those that wish to create havoc and regain control of the issuance of our national currency. Our currency should remain fiat, and backed upon the full faith of the American people. We and the land we stand on and hopefully defend from tyranny are what is valuable and the thing to place our faith in. If we lose faith in ourselves we are in a depression. As the amount of national currency increases, we can then pay down the debt by returning to the federal reserve all of there useless and unneeded funny money. Eventually, hopefully, all of the fed's money will be returned except for the outrageous interest they charged and did not print, thereby guaranteeing bankruptcy. At which point the american justice system should expunge the remaining debt on the grounds of fraud.
The worst thing to do would to go back to a gold standard. Gold is too rare and can be easily cornered. They did it in the past and they will do it again. It is by Gold that they were able to pull all of this off. One can say what ever they want about Lincoln, but he was a smart man. his only mistake was not getting rid of the fractional banking policy. As a consequence, they were able to create a credit bubble and crash the economy, making our fiat currency, backed by the people of the US., worthless. Thus, we went back on our knees to the private banks who had cornered much of the worlds gold supply. This is history folks. Take a lesson from Lincoln and from Kennedy (secret society speech)-a republican and a democrat. God help us all!
(2) Down Under Gamer ===>>
This is the best Fox show I have ever seen, not surprised this guy lost his job. I mean who want's to listen to the truth anyway!
007) Let us now look at the different mechanisms leading to money creation.
008) Money Creation by Banks ==================>>
009) Through the process of money creation, commercial banks are able to create credit, which is in far excess of the initial deposits.
010) Fractional Reserve Banking: Explore how banks use a fractional reserve system to create money by lending out a portion of deposited funds.
011) Academic Study on Money Creation ====>
Rarely will the academic studies and official reports address the raw nature of a money creation by a private banking monopoly. The common practice of disparaging sources outside government or corporatist business circles, attempts to avoid addressing, much less confronting the plutocracy that controls the debt created money system.
012) Money creation in the fiat system — a balance sheet analysis of central banks and banks ...
013) Topic: 'Money Creation & Society' Debate in UK Parliament ...
Debate in British Parliament ====>>
আধুনিক গণতন্ত্রের সুতিকাগার বৃটিশ পার্লামেন্টের ইতিহাসে সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ আলোচনায় অধিকাংশ MP অনুপস্থিত । কারণ কি ???
কারণ এছাড়া কি হতে পারে যে, তারা এ ব্যাপারে কথা বলার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় শিক্ষা / গবেষণা / চিন্তা করেন নাই !!! অনেকে সচেতন ভাবে অনুপস্থিত থাকতে পারেন । কারণ, আধুনিক সুদী সমাজের কর্ণধারদের বিষয়গুলো বলতে চান না তারা ।
Topic: 'Money Creation & Society' Debate in UK Parliament
Published on Nov 21, 2014
On Thursday 20th November 2014, for the first time in 170 years, UK parliament has debated the creation of money. Few people know that 97% of our money supply is created not by the government (or the central bank), but by commercial banks in the form of loans.
As the results of our recent poll show, most MPs lack a sufficient understanding of money creation. A worrying number of our MPs do not understand where money comes from. This leaves them ill-equipped to predict another financial crisis, deal with rising debt, housing bubbles or understand a fundamental driver of inequality.
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Positive Money is a not-for-profit research and campaign group. They work to raise awareness of the connections between our current monetary and banking system and the serious social, economic and ecological problems that face the UK and the world today. In particular they focus on the role of banks in creating the nation's money supply through the accounting process they use when they make loans - an aspect of banking which is poorly understood. Positive Money believe these fundamental flaws are at the root of - or a major contributor to - problems of poverty, excessive debt, growing inequality and environmental degradation. For more information, please visit: http://www.positivemoney.org/
014) Sovereign Money Proposal ====>>
বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক / পার্লামেন্ট / সরকার কী কিছু শিক্ষা নিতে পারে না , আইসল্যান্ড পার্লামেন্ট / সরকারের কাছ থেকে ???
Iceland Stuns Banks: Plans To Take Back The Power To Create Money ====================>>
Who knew that the revolution would start with those radical Icelanders? It does, though. One Frosti Sigurjonsson, a lawmaker from the ruling Progress Party, issued a report today that suggests taking the power to create money away from commercial banks, and hand it to the central bank and, ultimately, Parliament.
Can’t see commercial banks in the western world be too happy with this. They must be contemplating wiping the island nation off the map. If accepted in the Iceland parliament , the plan would change the game in a very radical way. It would be successful too, because there is no bigger scourge on our economies than commercial banks creating money and then securitizing and selling off the loans they just created the money (credit) with.
Everyone, with the possible exception of Paul Krugman, understands why this is a very sound idea.
C/O, http://wearechange.org/iceland-stuns-banks-plans-to-take.../
Iceland looks at ending boom and bust with radical money plan ...
Icelandic government suggests removing the power of commercial banks to create money and handing it to the central bank ====>>
Iceland's government is considering a revolutionary monetary proposal - removing the power of commercial banks to create money and handing it to the central bank.
The proposal, which would be a turnaround in the history of modern finance, was part of a report written by a lawmaker from the ruling centrist Progress Party, Frosti Sigurjonsson, entitled "A better monetary system for Iceland".
"The findings will be an important contribution to the upcoming discussion, here and elsewhere, on money creation and monetary policy," Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson said.
The report, commissioned by the premier, is aimed at putting an end to a monetary system in place through a slew of financial crises, including the latest one in 2008.
According to a study by four central bankers, the country has had "over 20 instances of financial crises of different types" since 1875, with "six serious multiple financial crisis episodes occurring every 15 years on average".
Mr Sigurjonsson said the problem each time arose from ballooning credit during a strong economic cycle.
He argued the central bank was unable to contain the credit boom, allowing inflation to rise and sparking exaggerated risk-taking and speculation, the threat of bank collapse and costly state interventions.
In Iceland, as in other modern market economies, the central bank controls the creation of banknotes and coins but not the creation of all money, which occurs as soon as a commercial bank offers a line of credit.
The central bank can only try to influence the money supply with its monetary policy tools.
Under the so-called Sovereign Money proposal, the country's central bank would become the only creator of money.
"Crucially, the power to create money is kept separate from the power to decide how that new money is used," Mr Sigurjonsson wrote in the proposal.
"As with the state budget, the parliament will debate the government's proposal for allocation of new money," he wrote.
Banks would continue to manage accounts and payments, and would serve as intermediaries between savers and lenders.
Mr Sigurjonsson, a businessman and economist, was one of the masterminds behind Iceland's household debt relief programme launched in May 2014 and aimed at helping the many Icelanders whose finances were strangled by inflation-indexed mortgages signed before the 2008 financial crisis.
The small Nordic country was hit hard as the crash of US investment bank Lehman Brothers caused the collapse of its three largest banks.
Iceland then became the first western European nation in 25 years to appeal to the International Monetary Fund to save its battered economy.
Its GDP fell by 5.1pc in 2009 and 3.1pc in 2010 before it started rising again.
015) In truth, money is not created until the instant it is borrowed.
B) Money Creation ====>>
"Textbooks on banking often state that money is created out of debt. This is misleading because it implies that debt exists first and then is converted into money. In truth, money is not created until the instant it is borrowed. It is the act of borrowing which causes it to spring into existence."
016) ব্যাংকাররা #MoneyCreation করে।
তাদের টাকায় ব্যবসা করা ঠিক হবে না। তাদের কাছ থেকে ঋণ নেওয়া ঠিক হবে না। তারা বিনা সুদে ঋণ দিলেও তা করজে হাসান বলে গণ্য হবে না।
যারা Money Creation করে না , তারা বিনা সুদে ঋণ দিলে তাদের ঋণ, করজে হাসানা বলে গণ্য হবে।
#BankLoanBD #BankingBD #KabirSir
017) #MoneyCreation by the bankers is the worst #Riba in Human Civilization.
—– #KabirSir, Dhaka
B) Poverty Alleviation Tax নামে আলাদা ট্যাক্স চালু করা দরকার ।
Money Creation -এর সুবিধা ভোগীদের কাছ থেকে এই ট্যাক্স নিয়ে প্রান্তিক জনগোষ্ঠির কল্যাণে ব্যয় করতে হবে।
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